Featured Move: Strangulation (2)

There are plenty of ways to leave your opponent breathless in a wrestling match: be insanely hot, put them in a sleeper, lock in a headscissors, etc. Perhaps the most straightforward way to do it is simply put a hand, two, or a foreign object around their throat and squeeze (bearing in mind you've okayed this level of roughness with each other beforehandā€”consent is sexy).

It's been a while (16 months!) since the last time this move was featured so here are some more for your viewing pleasure.

Thunders Arena's "Beast vs Dolf - Ringwars 33"

Krushco's "Choak or Croak 2: Krush vs Blaze"

Hunks Wrestling's "Ares vs Ivan Guerrero"

Muscle Boy Wrestling's "Iceman Johnson vs Tyson Carter"

Weekend Wrestling's "'Wild Man' Dick Clayton vs The Handsome Strangler"

Wrestler4Hire's "Lightning vs Lightning (Clone Wars)" (Blake Starr vs Dimitri Darkthorn)

roverart's "Mr Black vs Mr Green" (via WatchFighters)

Matt Larsen, Isaac Andrews, and Mickey Knoxx's "Jockstrap Threeway" (via WatchFighters)

Wrestlingmale's "Tetralogy Muscle Beast 4/4" (Muscle Beast vs Butch.J, D.Dan, and Marius)

What should be the next Featured Move?
Test of Strength (2)
Hand Gag
Gut Punishment
Knockout (3)
Created with Poll Maker


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