Tuco vs Matthew (NHB) - Underground Wrestler

Underground Wrestler has been pumping out some great matches lately. I hadn't purchased one in a little while so I thought this fresh release featuring babyface Tuco in the white thong (who you may recognize from Thunders Arena) and newbie hunk Matthew (orange thong) was the perfect option to dive back into their collection.

There's a certain consistency to some of UW's recent releases which I'll touch on later, but what I'll say is that Tuco and Matthew are a solid matchup.

Matthew in Tuco's vice

The video begins with a minute of stretching between the two combatants. When you consider that the entire runtime is less than 20 minutes, that's pretty significant. Tuco and Matthew are great to look at, however, so that's not necessarily a negative.

One cordial handshake and regrettably short clinch later, Tuco strikes first, locking in a bodyscissors that leaves Matthew writhing on the mat. Tuco continues his dominant beginning to the match my carrying the slightly larger Matthew on his shoulder effortlessly before swiftly returning him to another bodyscissors. A third bodyscissors later finally forces Matthew to tap.

Tuco traps Matthew in another

The second fall doesn't go much better for Matthew. You could argue it went worse, actually. Tuco subjects him to another bodyscissors, this time upping the ante by wrapping one of his arms around Matthew's neck, forcing a tap.

I think they both sell it quite well in short moments like these. Matthew genuinely seems frustrated with his situation and Tuco seems to enjoy the control he has over his opponent (even if he doesn't lock his legs).

Matthew finally gets his own back

The third fall sees Matthew finally get his moment, just shy of 7 minutes. He locks in a great headscissors that finally lands him a score on the board after Tuco struggles for a moment. While the start of the match felt tentative, the more these two sweat the more comfortable they seem with each other.

Every submission comes with a new stage to the amount of sweat you can see on their bodies. There's something about the way Matthew sweeping back his sweaty curls that speaks to me.

Several scissors and one slam later the scores are tied. Tuco and Matthew appear well-matched, and the handshakes between each submission remind us that the action here is all good-natured.

Matching headscissors

I'm not sure what it is about Underground Wrestler's mat room, but it must be incredibly stuffy because they consistently have very sweaty matches. While this falls on the lesser end of that scale, it's still pretty good. Either that or whoever finds these guys knows how to identify people prone to sweat.

Some scuffling ensues resulting in a sweaty rolling 69 headscissors. I particularly enjoyed their grunting here, a sign of a good struggle. However, it doesn't last too long and one of these two submits to a sleeper in the end, resulting in a conclusive winner.

This match felt a little rough around the edges, and dare I say formulaic? I always feel bad criticizing a match. These guys are putting on a decent show on camera and for that they should be commended, but reviews should be honest so I won't go back on that. I got the impression that these two are just 'trying out' wrestling. Some interesting cuts and glances of the camera give that away. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but there's a certain lack of polish that we all know UW is capable of. Another thing worth noting is that this match follows almost identical beats to a couple of other Tuco matches featuring fellow Thunders alum Amino, down to the 69 headscissors near the end. 

It's not all criticism, of course. These two have the looks locked down, no doubts in my mind about that. They also clearly know at least something about wrestling (or they've had some good instruction). I do hope they continue because there's a lot of potential if they can work on their flaws.

"NHB - Tuco vs Matthew" can be found on Underground Wrestler here. It has a runtime of 19:17.


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